Friday, May 8, 2009

Unrequited Dreams

The thought occurred to me when someone told me that “Before I grow old, I want to learn 3 things- learn to swim, learn to dance and learn to operate the computers”. It may sound so silly and profane to the current generation- there are so many better things to dream of- make a world tour, go hitchhiking, get a tattoo, buy a sports car, etc. etc. But dreams are dreams. For someone who’s 47 years old and has spent an entire life in household duties even these three things could make a world of difference. It’s all about ‘contentment’ which is the sole purpose of any human birth.

The point I’m trying to arrive at is how many times do we set aside our dreams in order to help someone realize their dream? Forget sacrificing our dreams, its not even required, all that is needed is some time and motivation for them. They are not weak people, they are just like us, the only difference being that they didn’t have as many choices as we did or still do. So you just need to give them a nudge and they’ll fly on their own. They have wings but have only forgotten that they do.

There is a karmic connection evidently- do good and something good will happen to you but I am not getting at that. The idea is to create positivity around. I believe that even if we have one person to help one such dream, so much positive energy will be released in the universe. This can be done simply by asking our loved ones- family first and then friends, about their unfulfilled desires and then think of how you can help fulfill them and to what extent.

Sometimes people are deprived of such simple things which are a part of your own routine that it never occurs to you as to what are they missing. For e.g. a little boy from a grocery store nearby who comes to your building to deliver goods daily, stands and stares at the building boys his age who are playing merrily. For the boys, it’s vacation and therefore obvious that they would be playing but for that little boy, it may be a huge dream- to own those shiny glass marbles and be a part of the game. Even before that dream comes true his childhood is gone, unrequited, incomplete.
Imagine, if only one day out of all those mundane years he gets to play just like the other boys. How much will he cherish that memory? He may not remember the painful years he spent working as a child but he will distinctly remember that ‘one’ day when he really lived it up!


  1. I see my twin soul in you even more vividly than before! I'm so enthralled by the whole feeling of doing some bits! Just making an effort (not even going out of your way to do something, just an effort)can make so much difference! Its a deed! We live to be happy.. And contentment is our final goal! With so much positivity around.. We make ourselves so much more happier and make this world 'a better place to live in'

    :) Keep writing! Only people who think like this CAN bring about some change!

    *^_^* Love you! *^_^*

  2. Thank you. You are the apple of my eye! Always so beautifully you respond. Thank you for being by my side :)
    Love you
